A creative outlet where the history, passion, and art of Fred Oldfield’s life will live on in all generations
At Fred Oldfield’s Western Heritage & Art Center learn the history of the Western lifestyle and advancing Western art through the example set by Fred Oldfield. Our vision is to provide a creative outlet where the history, passion, and art of Fred Oldfield’s life will live on in all generations. Fred Oldfield had a passion for life that is reflected in his work. His colors are bold and powerful like the beauty he sees in his surroundings.
To read more about Fred click on the About Fred tab above.
You may call anytime to inquire about center hours or to have have one of our amazing volunteers give you a private tour. Call us at (253) 267-5582 .

We always enjoy coming to the Center, and doing whatever we can to forward the goals and dreams that Cowboy Fred instilled in the energy of it.
Fred’s Birthday Fundraiser
March 2025
Pioneer Days, Free Admission
Celebrate 107 years of Fred!
Step back in time to the Pioneer Days and Fred’s childhood. Join us at the Fred Oldfield Western Heritage & Art Center from 11am – 4pm. Your donations enable us to apply every dollar raised to support the art programs and transform the lives of our youth!
Spring Fair
April 2025
Celebrate Spring at Spring Fair
Come & Meet our Artists in Action
Hands on Craft Projects for Kids
Enjoy our Displays, Artifacts & American Indian Baskets
Student Art Show
May 18th, 10am – 2pm
Come & Congratulate & Encourage Students!!!
Enjoy the works created by our Students from 9-95 years young! Student Demos, Awards Presentation, Refreshments. Come one – come all!!
Summer Camps
July – August 2025
9:30am – 12:30pm
Varied media, camp themes & daily projects
Fun & Challenging for all ages K-12

An “Unconventional Man” has been a phrase to describe Fred and rightfully so ~ he spent his life doing what he loved the most ~ painting! Learn more about Fred’s life and how he became one of the premier painters of the American West.

This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission
From Our Western Heritage Center Attendees and Art Students
“My children have been enrolled in the Fred Oldfield Art Center for the last 3 years. The teachers and staff are very friendly, caring, and provide an environment where my children feel inspired to create and learn various skills. It’s a great place for exploring the arts.”
“My kids attended one of the Art Camps this summer, and now they are really enjoying their weekly art lessons. They’re learning to draw, paint, explore different mediums, and much more. Everyone there has been really friendly, too! Thank you for providing this awesome opportunity!”
“Just the best people all in one place. Warm and friendly place for young and older folks.”
“I was privileged to know Fred and be teased by him. Watching him paint was an awesome experience and seeing him with the young people made my heart swell. The Western Heritage Center is a gift to future generations and I’m thankful to have known Fred and experienced the Center first hand. I will miss him.”